Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Tonight we heard some seriously creepy noises. For the last little while, as it was getting colder, the neighbourhood cats have been complaining more and more. Thus, in the last few weeks we've gotten use to the screeching in the background, here and there. But tonight, I think one of the cats came across something fierce in the hillside near my house.
At first it sounded like cats crying but eventually it started to sound more like dinosaurs from Jurassic Park. Either the cats pissed off a wild pig or got freaked out by one. The next 10min was filled will all kinds of oinking and growling. I thought it was pretty cool. My best guess is that two boars were fighting over something. Maybe even a cat. ah love.
Japanese Wild Boar Sus scrofa leucomystax

1 comment:

  1. haha, maybe it was 2 boars making love? ah love
