This beer company is a microbrewery, or as the Japanese like to call it "Craft Beer" from Chichibu in the Satiama Prefecture. The best websites I've found on these beers are

This hemp shop in the mountains seems to be the only place that sells it. "8 minutes walk from Chichibu Chichibu Station. Hemp shop (Linen Shop), the original beer "beer refreshing Titibu"
Address is 麻屋商店 Japan, 〒368-0044 埼玉県秩父市本町3−6
Made by: Miyoshi Town, Saitama Iruma-gun上富small commercial brewery co Edo Corp.
1) 秩父のビール translates into Beer in Chichibu but
Made with: Malt, hops - 5%
2) 蕎麦からつくった発泡酒 translates into Low-Malt Buckwheat

Made With: Malt, hops, buckwheat, barley - 5.5%
"While clean your throat, deep" Titibu refreshing beer "is sold. Please relish once. "
I haven't had either of these beers but on the map my friend gave me they are the first to be mentioned. Is seems that the only place to buy them is at this store in the middle of nowhere.
Please please please don't not buy the Kaede. It is seriously the worst beer I've ever had, and I am a total beer nerd with 4000+ ratings. The label now says the main ingredient in the beer is sugar, before malt and hops, that should tell you something. The Chichibu beer is a standard lager that is not bad.