For X-mas Helene and I wanted to do something fun because a trip home w
ould be too expensive. As much as we miss our families. Visiting Thailand was high on our list but it was simply way too expensive because thats what everyone does in this part of the world (except the Chinese) during the holiday season. (The Chinese go crazy in February for Chinese New Year) The second choice was to visit my brother Leo in Taiwan. Sorry bro for you being the second choice but Thailand sounded really awesome.
Some people have suggested to me that Taiwan is somehow Chinese property. Now, I have never been to China but from all the commercialism I saw, Taiwan is not China. I'm sure the US military will back me up on this. People tell me that Taiwan is more inclined towards the Japanese then the Chinese way. But I can tell you that there is huge difference.
I haven't seen my brother in over 3 years. I've was in France and he`s was in Taiwan with little interest to visit Canada. With freezing temperatures of +20°C in Taiwan, I can see why. I'm sure it sucks in the summer because of all the smog and humidity but for the winter Taiwan was a nice change. Tropical Winter From the 24th of December to the 28th we surprisingly found decently priced tickets to visit him.
Now in this side of the world the`re a little more liberal when it comes to some freedoms. For instance, here`s something you won`t see in the West. Maybe it`ll disappear out here too. One day. Everyone loves a good smoking room. Rather than having one cigarette you can have 19 at the same time. Now you`re in flavour country.
I`ve see stations like this at other airports, when people come out the`re followed by a big cloud of smoke. Ever see that Seinfeld episode where Kramer turns his apartment into a smoking lounge. The last time I saw one of these was in Europe before all the smoking protesting mothers started all the hooha.

Arriving in Taiwan, this sign was placed in front of us numerous times. They feel that threating the would be criminals with cute pictures of dogs would somehow detour their illegal activities.
Don`t they normally use big and angry looking dogs that are trained to jump on people. I know the bagel is a cute and probably good dog but it doesn`t exactly strike fear into the hearts of the drug traffickers.
Some people have suggested to me that Taiwan is somehow Chinese property. Now, I have never been to China but from all the commercialism I saw, Taiwan is not China. I'm sure the US military will back me up on this. People tell me that Taiwan is more inclined towards the Japanese then the Chinese way. But I can tell you that there is huge difference.
I haven't seen my brother in over 3 years. I've was in France and he`s was in Taiwan with little interest to visit Canada. With freezing temperatures of +20°C in Taiwan, I can see why. I'm sure it sucks in the summer because of all the smog and humidity but for the winter Taiwan was a nice change. Tropical Winter From the 24th of December to the 28th we surprisingly found decently priced tickets to visit him.

I`ve see stations like this at other airports, when people come out the`re followed by a big cloud of smoke. Ever see that Seinfeld episode where Kramer turns his apartment into a smoking lounge. The last time I saw one of these was in Europe before all the smoking protesting mothers started all the hooha.
Arriving in Taiwan, this sign was placed in front of us numerous times. They feel that threating the would be criminals with cute pictures of dogs would somehow detour their illegal activities.

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