Now I'm not sure what the most popular item this Christmas was in North America but the hot ite
m here started to get advertised at the beginning of September. I'm talking about Final Fantasy XIII. I know not all of you are into the gaming but the promotion alone on this game is worth mentioning. First of all I mentioned how many 7/11 type stores are out here. Every one of them is selling and promoting this game. There were FLAGS outside of the corner stores!! That means every day I get at least 20 different advertisements to buy this game. Every department s
tore, corner store or electronics store is pushing this game. Why? Its the best thing on High Definition TV's out there.
I got a chance to try the demo out a few months ago and it was very impressiv

The game doesn't come out in North America for another few months and I was thinking if there was a market for the Japanese copy out there. Turns out there is. Even though the game is due to come out in North America until March, the popularity of this thing is so big, that the sales guy at the store told me that their online sales outside of Japan are huge. I honestly wish there was some way I could jump on the Final Fantasy XIII band waggon before it comes out. Maybe even make some extra cash.
In the weeks approaching the release of the game. Suntory (a bee

On a little side note, originally Final Fantasy V didn't come to North America. This box was once worth a lot of money to the right collector. The game was eventually released and thus all the value of the originals SNES

argh,I sure wish I had all thoughs cans. But at least I have one...... thanks to you brother :)