Like I said in a previous posting "There's something everyday". For in

stance today I walked into a 100Yen shop (Dollar store) and found Veggie Kit Kat. I'm on a health kick and was curious enough to try it. The first stick tasked pretty good but by the fourth

stick I started to feel sick.
This delicious (I use the word

loosely) snack was made in cooperation with a juice company famous for a vegetable cocktail. The actual name of this KitKat is Itoen Juu-jitsu Yasai (vegtable enriched) which is the same name as the cocktail. Both have the same weird aftertaste, kind of a carrot taste. The main flavours are apples and carrots. An apple is a fruit, not a veggie, but oh well.

According to Wiki, "KitKats have also become very popular in Japan, a phenomenon attributed to the coincidental similarity between the bar's name and the Japanese phrase
kitto katsu, which roughly translates to "You will surely win!" This has reportedly led to parents and children buying them for school examination days as a sort of good luck charm."
I'll be on the lookout for more KitKats, I'll let you know what I find.
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