Finally got the Internet up and running, so, now I can fill in all the details that I've missed up to now. I realise now that I haven`t said much about my actual experience here.
Today is day 22 and what I've experienced the last three weeks has been exciting and horrible in many ways.
Honestly, I don't remember the last time that I was this emotionally and physically exhausted. What began as a challenge to find a job, a place to stay, a cell phone and a bank account ended up merging together to form a impact on my senses. Did I mention that no one here speaks English.

But as usual I'm getting ahead of myself. So, we arrived. the night before was filled with passing in and out of
consciousness. The next day we got up at 6:00 to search for
breakfast but only really finding a 7-11. Little did we know, 7-11 type establishments are part of the norm here. Honestly, its worse than Tim
Horten's. Sometimes, there right next door to each other. Ci
rcle K,
Lawson's, 7-11, AM/PM there all the same. We bought some random things. I'll try anything once, twice if I like it. These chip things in the picture tasted kind of like bacon bits. I sure hope it wasn't dog food. In addition I purchased what I thought was a vegetable cocktail type
ink. Upon further inspection I realised that it was missing a key
ingredient, TOMATO'S. It was a combination of Fruits and Vegetables which I learned today has a huge variety. Think about it. Why limit vegetable
cocktail to vegetables and fruit drinks to fruit. When you can have orange juice mixed with carrot,
broccoli celery, apples and grapes. Confused yet. Later I bought a Tomato, pear, plum and apple drink. It was
OK. Today I bought a few other weird mixes. We'll see how those go.
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